Missing translations added Internal PSO-related settings adjusted Shader compilation functionality updated Once the build upload is complete, the downloadable f...
Some content has been aligned with the Early Access version. SM5 shaders are supported. Like in the Early Access version, you can now bypass and use DX11. 1. Ri...
Support for DX12 with SM5 Shaders The game now supports SM5 shaders in DX12. I expect it to run even on slightly older hardware, not just the latest models. DX...
Changes The internal game-saving method has been updated. In the previous system, some settings (particularly sky settings) occasionally failed to save properly...
Shader Precompilation Feature Added Materials and effects are now prepared in advance. Title Screen Update When starting the game for the first time, objects pl...
New Features When generating the inventory item list, items are sorted alphabetically (except for the very first creation). Status effects are now displayed as...
Due to changes in the code structure, you must travel between areas at least once using a save point. New Features Outline Options for Hidden Objects: A new opt...
Development Progress Update Currently, about one-third of the desert area has been completed. As always, I must admit—level design is incredibly challenging f...